The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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547 lines
2800 klasis {klas'-is}
from 2806; TDNT - 3:726,437; n f
AV - breaking (2)
1) a breaking
2801 klasma {klas'-mah}
from 2806; TDNT - 3:726,437; n n
AV - fragment (7)
- broken meat (2) [9]
1) a fragment, broken piece; remnants of food
2802 Klaude {klow'-day}
of uncertain derivation; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr loc
AV - Clauda (1)
1) Clauda meaning "lame" is a small island nearly due west of
Cape Matala on the south coast of Crete, and nearly due south
of Phoenice, now called Gozzo.
2803 Klaudia {klow-dee'-ah}
feminine of 2804; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr f
AV - Claudia (1)
1) Claudia meaning "lame" was a Christian woman mentioned in 2
Ti. 4:21 as saluting Timothy.
2804 Klaudios {klow'-dee-os}
of Latin origin; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Claudius (Caesar) (2)
- Claudius (Lysias) (1) [3]
1) Claudius meaning "lame" was the name of the fourth Roman
emperor, reigning from 41 to 54 A.D. He was nominated to the
supreme power mainly through the influence of Herod Agrippa
the First. In the reign of Claudius there were severe famines,
arising from unfavourable harvests, and one such occurred in
Palestine and Syria. (Acts 11:28-30) Claudius was induced by
the tumult of the Jews in Rome to expel them from the city.
(cp. Acts 18:2) The date of the event is uncertain. After a
weak and foolish reign he was poisoned by his fourth wife,
Agrippina, the mother of Nero, Oct. 13, A.D. 54.
2) Claudius Lysias, a chief captain of the band, that is, a
tribune of the Roman cohort who rescued Paul from the hands of
the infuriated mob at Jerusalem, and sent him under guard to
Felix, the governor or proconsul of Caesarea. A.D. 55.
2805 klauthmos {klowth-mos'}
from 2799; TDNT - 3:722,436; n m
AV - weeping (6)
- wailing (2)
- weep (1) [9]
1) weeping, lamentation
2806 klao {klah'-o}
a primary verb; TDNT - 3:726,437; vb
AV - break (15)
1) to break; used in the NT of the breaking of bread or
2807 kleis {klice}
from 2808; TDNT - 3:744,439; n f
AV - key (6)
1) a key; Since the keeper of the keys has the power to open and
to shut, the word "kleis" is figuratively used in the NT to
denote power and authority of various kinds.
2808 kleio {kli'-o}
a primary verb; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - shut (12)
- shut up (4) [16]
1) to shut, shut up; metaph. to cause the heavens to withhold
rain; to shut up compassion so that it is like a thing
inaccessible to one, to be devoid of pity towards one; to
obstruct the entrance into the kingdom of heaven.
2809 klemma {klem'-mah}
from 2813; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - theft (1)
1a) thing stolen
1b) the act of theft
2810 Kleopas {kleh-op'-as}
probably contracted from Kleopatros (compound of 2811 and 3962);
TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Cleopas (1)
1) Cleopas meaning "of a renowned father", was one of the two
disciples who were going to Emmanus on the day of the
resurrection. Luke 24:18. Some think the same as Cleophas in
John 19:25. But they are probably two different persons.
Cleopas is a Greek name, contracted from Cleopater, while
Cleophas, or Clopas is the same as Alphaeus.
2811 kleos {kleh'-os}
from a shorter form of 2564; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - glory (1)
1) rumour, report
2) glory, praise
2812 kleptes {klep'-tace}
from 2813; TDNT - 3:754,441; n m
AV - thief (16)
1) an embezzler, pilferer; the name is transferred to false
teachers, who do not care to instruct men, but abuse their
confidence for their own gain.
2813 klepto {klep'-to}
a primary verb; TDNT - 3:754,441; vb
AV - steal (12)
1a) to steal; to commit a theft
1b) to steal, i.e. take away by theft
2814 klema {kaly'-mah}
from 2806; TDNT - 3:757,441; n n
AV - branch (4)
1) a tender and flexible branch; specifically the shoot or
branch of a vine, a vine sprout
2815 Klemes {klay'-mace}
of Latin origin; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Clement (1)
1) Clement meaning "mild, merciful", was a companion of Paul and
apparently a member of the church of Philippi. According to
tradition, he is identical with that Clement who was bishop of
Rome towards the close of the first century.
2816 kleronomeo {klay-ron-om-eh'-o}
from 2818; TDNT - 3:758,442; vb
AV - inherit (15)
- be heir (2)
- obtain by inheritance (1) [18]
1) to receive a lot, receive by lot; especially to receive a
part of an inheritance, receive as an inheritance, obtain by
right of inheritance; to be an heir, to inherit
2) to receive the portion assigned to one, receive an allotted
portion, receive as one's own or as a possession; to become
partaker of, to obtain
2817 kleronomia {klay-ron-om-ee'-ah}
from 2818; TDNT - 3:758,442; n f
AV - inheritance (14)
1) an inheritance, property received (or to be received) by
2) what is given to one as a possession
2a) the eternal blessedness of the consummated kingdom of God
which is to be expected after the visible return of Christ.
2b) the share which an individual will have in that eternal
2818 kleronomos {klay-ron-om'-os}
from 2819 and the base of 3551 (in its original sense of
partitioning, i.e. [reflexively] getting by apportionment);
TDNT - 3:758,442; n m
AV - heir (15)
1) one who receives by lot; an heir
1a) an heir
1b) in Messianic usage, one who receives his allotted
possession by right of sonship
2) one who has acquired or obtained the portion allotted to him.
2819 kleros {klay'-ros}
probably from 2806 (through the idea of using bits of wood, etc.,
for the pively); TDNT - omitted,442; n m
AV - lot (8)
- part (2)
- inheritance (2)
- heritage (1) [13]
1) an object used in casting or drawing lots, which was either a
pebble, or a potsherd, or a bit of wood; the lots of several
persons concerned, inscribed with their names, were thrown
together into a vase, which was then shaken, and he whose lot
fell out first upon the ground was the one chosen
2) what is obtained by lot, allotted portion; a portion of the
ministry common to the apostles; used of the part which one
will have in eternal salvation; of salvation itself, the
eternal salvation which God has assigned to the saints; of
persons, those whose care and oversight has been assigned to
one [allotted charge], used of Christian churches, the
administration of which falls to the lot of presbyters.
2820 kleroo {klay-ro-o}
from 2819; TDNT - 3:758,442; vb
AV - obtain an inheritance (1)
1) to cast lots, determine by lot
2) to choose by lot
3) to allot, assign by lot; on to another as a possession
4) in NT.; to make a lot, i.e. a heritage, private possession
2821 klesis {klay'-sis}
from a shorter form of 2564; TDNT - 3:487,394; n f
AV - calling (10)
- vocation (1) [11]
1) a calling, calling to
2) a call, invitation: to a feast,the divine invitation to
embrace salvation in the kingdom of God
2822 kletos {klay-tos'}
from the same as 2821; TDNT - 3:487,394; adj
AV - called (11)
1) called, invited (to a banquet)
1a) invited (by God in the proclamation of the Gospel) to
obtain eternal salvation in the kingdom through Christ
1b) called to (the discharge of) some office i.e. divinely
selected and appointed
2823 klibanos {klib'-an-os}
of uncertain derivation; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - oven (2)
1) a clibanus, a earthen vessel for baking bread. It was broader
at the bottom than above at the orifice, and when sufficiently
heated by a fire kindled within, the dough was baked by being
spread upon the outside. [but according to others, the dough
was baked by being placed inside and the fire or coals
outside, the vessel being perforated with small holes that the
heat might better penetrate.
2) a furnace, oven
2824 klima {klee'-mah}
from 2827; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - region (2)
- part (1) [3]
1) an inclination, slope, declivity
2) the [supposed] sloping of the earth from the equator towards
the poles, a zone
3) a tract of land, a region
2825 kline {klee'-nay}
from 2827; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - bed (9)
- table (1) [10]
1) a small bed, a couch; a couch to recline on at meals; a couch
on which a sick man is carried
2826 klinidion {klin-id'-ee-on}
neuter of a presumed derivative of 2825; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - couch (2)
1) a small bed, a couch
2827 klino {klee'-no}
a primary verb; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - lay (2)
- bow (1)
- bow down (1)
- be far spent (1)
- turn to fight (1)
- wear away (1) [7]
1a) to incline, bow
1b) to cause to fall back
1c) to recline; in a place for repose
2) to incline one's self: of the declining of the day
2828 klisia {klee-see'-ah}
from a derivative of 2827; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - company (1)
1) a hut erected to pass the night in
2) a tent
3) anything to recline on; a chair in which to lean back the
head, a reclining chair
4) a company reclining; a row or party of persons reclining at
2829 klope {klop-ay'}
from 2813; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - theft (2)
1) theft
2830 kludon {kloo'-dohn}
from kluzo (to billow or dash over); TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - raging (1)
- wave (1) [2]
1) a dashing or surging wave, a surge, a violent agitation of
the sea
2831 kludonizomai {kloo-do-nid'-zom-ahee}
middle voice from 2830; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - toss to and fro (1)
1) to be tossed by the waves; metaph. to be agitated (like the
waves) mentally
2832 Klopas {klo-pas'}
of Aramaic origin (corresponding to 256); TDNT - omitted,omitted;
n pr m
AV - Cleophas (1)
1) Cleophas meaning "my exchanges" was the husband of Mary the
sister of the virgin Mary. John 19:25. He was probably dead
before Jesus' ministry began, for his wife and children
constantly appear with Joseph's family in the time of our
Lord's ministry.
2833 knetho {knay'-tho}
from a primary knao (to scrape); TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - have itching (1)
1) to scratch, tickle, make to itch; to itch; desirous of
hearing something pleasant
2834 Knidos {knee'-dos}
probably of foreign origin; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr loc
AV - Cnidus (1)
1) Cnidus or Gnidus meaning "nettled", a peninsula [now Cape
Crio] and a city by the same name, situated at the extreme
south west of the peninsula of Asia Minor, on a promontory now
called Cape Crio, which projects between the islands of Cos
and Rhodes. It is now in ruins.
2835 kodrantes {kod-ran'-tace}
of Latin origin; TDNT - 3:786,omitted; n m
AV - farthing (2)
1) a quadrans (about the fourth part of an "as"); in the NT a
coin equal to one half the Attic chalcus worth about 3/8 of a
2836 koilia {koy-lee'-ah}
from koilos ("hollow"); TDNT - 3:786,446; n f
AV - womb (12)
- belly (11) [23]
1) the whole belly, the entire cavity; the upper [i.e. stomach]
and the lower belly are distinguished
2) the lower belly, the alvine region, the receptacle of the
3) the gullet; to be given up to the pleasures of the palate, to
4) the womb, the place where the fetus is conceived and
nourished until birth, the uterus as animals
5) the innermost part of a man, the soul, heart as the seat of
thought, feeling, choice
2837 koimao {koy-mah'-o}
from 2749; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - sleep (10)
- fall asleep (4)
- be asleep (2)
- fall on sleep (1)
- be dead (1) [18]
1) to cause to sleep, put to sleep; metaph. to still, calm,
quiet; to fall asleep, to sleep; to die
2838 koimesis {koy'-may-sis}
from 2837; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - taking of rest (1)
1) a reposing, taking rest, a lying, reclining
2839 koinos {koy-nos'}
probably from 4862; TDNT - 3:789,447; adj
AV - common (7)
- unclean (3)
- defiled (1)
- unholy (1) [12]
1) common
2) common i.e. ordinary, belonging to generality; by the Jews,
unhallowed, profane, Levitically unclean
2840 koinoo {koy-no'-o}
from 2839; TDNT - 3:789,447; vb
AV - defile (11)
- call common (2)
- pollute (1)
- unclean (1) [15]
1) to make common
2a) to make (Levitically) unclean, render unhallowed, defile,
2b) to declare or count unclean
2841 koinoneo {koy-no-neh'-o}
from 2844; TDNT - 3:789,447; vb
AV - be partaker (5)
- communicate (2)
- distribute (1) [8]
1a) to come into communion or fellowship with, to become a
sharer, be made a partner
1b) to enter into fellowship, join one's self to an associate,
make one's self a sharer or partner
2842 koinonia {koy-nohn-ee'-ah}
from 2844; TDNT - 3:789,447; n f
AV - fellowship (12)
- communion (4)
- communication (1)
- distribution (1)
- contribution (1)
- to communicate (1) [20]
I) fellowship, association, community, communion, joint
participation, intercourse
1) the share which one has in anything, participation
2) intercourse, fellowship, intimacy: the right hand as a sign
and pledge of fellowship (in fulfilling the apostolic office)
3) a benefaction jointly contributed, a collection, a
contribution, as exhibiting an embodiment and proof of
2843 koinonikos {koy-no-nee-kos'}
from 2844; TDNT - 3:789,447; adj
AV - willing to communicate (1)
1) social, sociable, ready and apt to form and maintain
communion and fellowship
2) inclined to make others sharers in one's possessions,
inclined to impart, free in giving, liberal
2844 koinonos {koy-no-nos'}
from 2839; TDNT - 3:789,447; n m
AV - partaker (5)
- partner (3)
- fellowship (1)
- companion (1) [10]
1a) a partner, associate, comrade, companion
1b) a partner, sharer, in anything; of the altar in Jerusalem
on which the sacrifices are offered i.e. sharing in the
worship of the Jews; partakers of (or with) demons, i.e.
brought into fellowship with them, because they are the
authors of heathen worship
2845 koite {koy'-tay}
from 2749; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - bed (2)
- conceive (1)
- chambering (1) [4]
1) a place for laying down, resting, sleeping in; a bed, couch
2) the marriage bed
3) cohabitation, whether lawful or unlawful; sexual intercourse
2846 koiton {koy-tone'}
from 2845; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - chamberlain + 1909 (1)
1) a sleeping room, bed chamber: the officer who is over the bed
chamber, the chamberlain
2847 kokkinos {kok'-kee-nos}
from 2848 (from the kernel-shape of the insect); TDNT - omitted,450;
AV - scarlet (4)
- scarlet colour (1)
- scarlet coloured (1) [6]
1) crimson, scarlet coloured. A kernel, the grain or berry of the
"ilex coccifera"; these berries are the clusters of the eggs
of a female insect, the "kermes" (resembling the cochineal),
and when collected and pulverised produces a red which was
used in dyeing (Pliny)
2848 kokkos {kok'-kos}
apparently a primary word; TDNT - 3:810,450; n m
AV - grain (6)
- corn (1) [7]
1) a grain
2849 kolazo {kol-ad'-zo}
from kolos (dwarf); TDNT - 3:814,451; vb
AV - punish (2)
1) to lop or prune, as trees and wings
2) to curb, check, restrain
3) to chastise, correct, punishment; to cause to be punished